Advocacy Affairs
Legislative and Regulatory Trends
NPA tracks the activities of the legislature and governmental entities to determine general trends regarding issues related to the Association’s interests. These trends reflect the ideas and efforts of policy makers over time and suggest areas in which information or advocacy may be needed. Observation of trends allows NPA to prepare members and policy makers for policy changes that may be pursued by the NPA or others in the future.
Legislative Efforts
NPA is committed to advocating for the interests of psychology, Nevada psychologists and mental health issues that are important to the public. NPA advocates for legislation that aligns with the core goals and mission of NPA. We monitor state rules and laws that regulate the profession of psychology and maintain a liaison with the State of Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners to stay informed about changes that may affect our members. As an affiliate of the American Psychological Association, NPA is involved in federal advocacy initiatives and lobbies for federal issues that affect the field of Psychology.
Over 1,000 bills are introduced in the legislature each session. Many bills include proposed changes in the law that affect issues related to psychology and may have a positive or negative impact on the public. NPA’s Legislative Committee, along with NPA’s contracted lobbyist, reviews these bills for content of interest to NPA. The Legislative Committee may recommend that NPA support or oppose proposed legislation as appropriate. Throughout the legislative session, bills are monitored with consideration given to whether any action is needed. When needed, NPA members, other involved parties, or the professional lobbyist may be called upon to contact legislators to provide information.
When the Association determines that changes in law or administrative policy are warranted, those changes may be pursued. Legislators or other policy makers may be contacted to discuss proposed changes, and strategies for achieving the desired changes are developed. As a result, proposed legislation, or other policy initiatives, may be generated. NPA WHITE PAPER
How can YOU advocate for psychologists and the profession of psychology?
- Join our Legislative Committee
Our Legislative Committee is committed to legislative and governmental action to advance the interests of psychology, psychologists, and the public to promote a psychologically health Nevada. We advocate for legislative that aligns with the core goals and visions of NPA. To get involved or to find more about the Legislative Committee, CONTACT US
- Donate to the NPA Political Action Campaign (NPA-PAC)
NPA is a 501(c)6 organization, and as such cannot make direct political contributions. The NPA-PAC is our nonpartisan Political Action Committee formed and governed by psychologists for the sole purpose of advancing our profession's political agenda in Nevada. The NPA-PAC collects voluntary contributions from Nevada psychologists and distributes them to the campaigns of candidates for the Nevada State Legislature.
Your contribution to our NPA-PAC allows us to support Nevada State Legislators who share our passion and positions. Donations are not tax deductible. More information about the NPA-PAC is below.
To make a contribution to the NPA-PAC by credit card, click the yellow Donate button below.
To make a contribution by check, please make check out to "NPA-PAC" and mail to: NPA, PO Box 400671, Las Vegas, NV 89140
 NPA would like to recognize and thank those that donated to our 2024 NPA-PAC Fundraising Drive:
2024 Mental Health Champions Creative Behavioral Connections Dr. Diana Wright
- Why do psychologists need a PAC?
Psychology is regulated in the state of Nevada. This means that as a profession we are subject to the enactment of laws and regulations by state officials which can have a dramatic impact not only on the practice of psychology but on our ability to earn an income as well. Legislative policy typically gets constructed and then "hammered out" within the context of competing groups who have a "special interest" in the enactment (or not) of the policy in question. These special interest groups are organized into political action committees (PACs) for the expressed purpose of gaining access to legislators so that they can be heard and hence have a say in the legislation being proposed.
- Why is a contribution to the NPA-PAC valuable?
A PAC can do things for us that a singular psychologist contributing to a campaign cannot. PAC contributions are perceived by legislators as being more valuable than a singular contribution because it does not cost them a cent to solicit for these contributions -- the PAC does that for them. The net affect is that the PAC magnifies your personal contribution by virtually doubling the actual impact of your contribution. When a contribution comes from a PAC, the candidate knows what issues are important to you because you are part of the PAC and if they don't know they are highly motivated to find out, because PAC contributions have perceived value and credibility which matters to them. Of course, larger, more well-endowed PACs have a greater value than smaller ones.
- Why doesn't NPA use membership dues revenue to support candidates?
NPA is a 501(c)6 tax exempt, professional organization and is prohibited from using its revenues for political campaign purposes. The NPA-PAC was created so that it could give a voice to psychology in the political arena. This is why it is so important for EVERY PSYCHOLOGISTS in Nevada to contribute to the NPA-PAC so that we can grow into a PAC that will not only be heard, but also listened to!
- To make a contribution to the NPA-PAC by credit card, click the yellow Donate button below.
- To make a contribution by check, please make check out to "NPA-PAC" and mail to: NPA, PO Box 400671, Las Vegas, NV 89140
For information on Federal Advocacy Efforts contact: LAUREN CHAPPLE-LOVE, PH.D. (Federal Advocacy Coordinator)