State Advocacy Coordinators (SAC)
Graduate Student Committee
The Graduate Student Committee, made up of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from Nevada who are members of the Nevada Psychological Association (NPA), serves as a vital platform for collaboration and advocacy. This committee offers an opportunity for psychology graduates across the state to unite, discuss, and address issues pertinent to their field.
The primary goal of the committee is to enable graduate students to connect and advocate for the interests and needs of their peers within the psychological community. By participating, members can actively engage with the NPA, influence policies, and help shape their future careers as psychologists.
Additionally, the committee fosters networking among students from both universities of Nevada, helping them build a supportive community and professional relationships. This involvement not only empowers future graduates to impact the field of psychology but also prepares them for their professional journeys.
Want to get involved? Click here
2025 Call for Posters
2025 Call for Posters
On behalf of the Nevada Psychological Association, you are invited to showcase your exciting research at our 2025 Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, April 25th, 2024. Submissions should discuss research (i.e. psychological research, clinical research, applied research). Posters will be judged on the quality of the information presented as well as the quality of the presentation. A student or representative is expected to be with the poster during the breaks, summarize the poster and answer questions. A panel of psychologists will judge all of the poster submissions and cash prize winners will be announced during the Annual Business Meeting and Awards Presentation (12:00pm - 1:15pm). We welcome your involvement in our organization and encourage you to seek membership in NPA.
For details and online submission, click here
Student Scholarship Opportunities 2025
- Student Members of the Nevada Psychological Association may apply for a scholarship to attend one of our live, in-person 2025 CE workshop at no cost. You must be a current student member of NPA (or have applied for membership) to be eligible for the CE student scholarship.
- If accepted, you will be automatically registered to the 2025 CE workshop you have selected.
- Graduate students that are not currently members of the Nevada Psychological Association may apply for a free student membership, valid until May 31, 2025. Four free NPA student memberships will given away!
- Please complete the scholarship request form below, select "free student membership" or "attend a free CE workshop" when prompted
NPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for the program and its content.
Student Membership Benefits NPA WELCOMES STUDENTS!
The Nevada Psychological Association has an active student membership. Student members have opportunities to network with other students as well as with psychologists across the state.
Reasons for Students to Join NPA
- Connection to students across the state: A student listserv is in the works that will allow psychology students in the state of Nevada to communicate regarding peer consultation, networking, practicum experiences, the internship application process, and anything else you would like to discuss with your fellow students.
- Networking with local psychologists: NPA events are an excellent opportunity to meet local psychologists, including potential future practicum supervisors. Our state psychological association is in the unique position of being quite small (just 191 members, and 41 of these are students!). This can be a benefit to us as students, as it means that everyone knows each other, and having a good reputation can go a long way!
- A realistic look at the profession: Meeting a variety of psychologists in the state demonstrates how diverse career opportunities really are in this profession. Attending events also allows students access to the current concerns faced by local psychologists (e.g., legislative issues, managing bookkeeping and insurance in a private practice, maintaining competence, balancing family and work, etc.).
- Increase your knowledge about referral sources: For those of you currently doing clinical work, you can use events and the listserv to increase your awareness of local referral sources, and feel comfortable referring to someone with whom you have built a professional relationship. The NPA website also has a helpful tool for generating referral options based on the criteria you enter.
- Didactic opportunities: NPA offers a number of CE events in both the Northern and Southern regions, and becoming a student member allows you to register at deeply discounted rates to these events. Active student members can attend ALL of our live, virtual CE trainings and have access to our CE Homestudy Library for FREE! At our live, in-person CE trainings, student members have the opportunity to volunteer to work at CE events in exchange for the registration fee or apply for a Student Scholarship to attend for free.
- Early Career Psychologist (ECP) meetings: ECP meetings are attended by newly-licensed (i.e., within the last 5 years) psychologists. Students are very welcomed at these meetings. Meetings begin with mingling and enjoying a potluck meal, and also include case conferences, a local psychologist speaking about a topic of expertise (e.g., eating disorders, diversity, legislation, etc.), or a panel discussion.
- Confidence-building: Form relationships with local psychologists who treat students like professionals and as part of the community. Stay up to date on the latest issues facing psychologists in our community and have the resources available to form your own opinions.
- Socializing: Let’s be honest, by the time we reach 3rd or 4th year in our programs, many of us feel like we no longer have the social lives we used to. NPA events really are enjoyable, and more so if your peers attend! They are a great way to have a good time with others who understand the graduate school experience.
- Service opportunities: There are so many opportunities for becoming involved in NPA in a leadership or committee member role—which gives you useful knowledge and experience, and of course looks good on your CV too. To learn more about NPA committees, look to the left and click on “About NPA” and then “Committees, Initiatives and Representatives.”
We encourage students to take advantage of the opportunity to become involved with the state association and learn more about the practice of psychology in Nevada. To join a committee, or to get more information about a committee, contact the committee chair or your student representative.